What are the steps I need to take to become a costume designer? - designer costume jewelry
I am currently a senior in high school. What should I study at the university / Where should I go to a costume designer. I would like to fashion in London for a year or two time-trial
Start by studying the history of fashion, either alone or in a classroom. Could a class in fashion design, or it could be a sort of live performance.
Maybe you just want to meet the requirements of education, at first, then transferred to a good school for the performing arts.
Apart from these two ideas, if you would go to college, the summer is a good time to participate in a summer repertory theater. There is one in the Santa Rosa Junior College. I could probably also an internship in the costume department. You get the people at all levels. Sometimes there are even people on his master's degree in theater studies work.
FIT has a precollege program for the costumes
I took lessons there, and his very informative and useful when applied in a design school, which is where I started my portfolio
because you are an older person has in the spring or summer, if you want to participate
www.fitnyc.edu / ion
Schools that can be done, costumes:
NYU has a design for film and theater, great
http://design.tisch.nyu.edu/page/home.ht ...
http://rutgers-newark.rutgers.edu/academ ...
Costume Design and Technology:
http://www.ccm.uc.edu/tdp/costumedesign_ ...
Dalhousie University:
DePaul University:
http://theatreschool.depaul.edu/undergra ...
or you can go to school as a remedy or FIT for fashion design high fashion
Now you can say you want to go to London
This is what happened in the school in September 2009
I did in 2009, because my visa in time will receive NT for the year 2008
going abroad to secure than that you have a visa at the top of their list of priorities
http://www.faoshion.arts.ac.uk /
that a course design costumes
http://www.fashion.arts.ac.uk/courses/co ...
good luck =]
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